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Safeguarding Information...

Five articles full of helpful information for parents...

1. Gaming: what parents and carers need to know

Many children will be spending time gaming online over the summer holidays. This article explores the different elements of gaming with a particular focus on how it can be used by offenders, but focusing on what parents can do to support their child while gaming.

2. Sharing pictures of your child online

Lots of parents love sharing photos of their children with friends and family, particularly when they are on holiday or starting the new school year. A recent report found that 42% of young people reported that their parents had done this without asking their permission. Our article helps parents to protect their child while staying social. 

3. Keeping your under 5s safe online

Whether it's watching videos, playing games on their devices or talking to Alexa - today's under 5s are spending more time online. In this article we look at the benefits of children accessing the internet, and share advice about how parents can make sure their child has a safe experience online.

4. Clever Never Goes

As parents we spend the first few years doing everything we can to protect our children…

Then we have to learn how to give them some independence…

Teaching children simply to avoid strangers doesn’t work. Most strangers will help rather than harm children. Conversely, it is often people known to children that pose the greatest threat. Clever Never Goes teaches children to recognise when someone (anyone) is asking them to go with them. We call this ‘Go Spotting’. It’s about giving your child practical safety skills and confidence to engage with the outside world.

Watch the video and find out more at

5. Using parental controls

Parental controls are a great tool for helping to protect children but should not replace open and honest conversations with children about their life online. Share these tips on how to use parental controls effectively.

Resources for staying safe online..



►NSPCC Share Aware

►Some Grids for Learning have free e-safety games, health checks for Facebook pages, and resources list designed for parents and children interactive resources for younger children


►Childnet -

►Parents Protect!


►Vodafone Digital Parenting

►Kirklees e-safety for parents

►You Tube, Facebook, Playstation etc all have parental guidance available online

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