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RE at Romsey Abbey Primary School


As a Church of England school, our R.E. curriculum comprises of two thirds focus on Christianity and one third focus on other major world religions.  As a school we use Hampshire’s agreed syllabus ‘Living Difference 3’ to structure our curriculum and deliver high quality teaching about Christianity and other world religions.  In our studies of Christianity, we use a fantastic teaching resource, ‘Understanding Christianity’, that helps our pupils to develop a clear and coherent understanding of Christianity within the context of the ‘Big Story’ of the Bible. The programme is divided into 6 main sections: Creation, People of God, Incarnation, Salvation, Gospel and Kingdom of God. Look out for the beautiful Frieze on the side of our library that shows how these areas piece together in the ‘Big Story’ of the Bible.  Throughout the school, the children will also study 3 other world religions. In Year 1 and 2, the children learn about key beliefs and concepts in Judaism. In Year 3 and 4, Hinduism is explored and discussed and in Year 5 and 6, the pupils will learn about key elements and beliefs within Islam. Parents have the right to withdraw their children from all or part of the RE lessons taught in school.


Below you can see an overview of our RE curriculum...


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