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Parent, Teacher and Friends Association

Welcome to the PTFA webpage for Romsey Abbey Primary School. Registered Charity Number 1037903.


Here you can find useful information about the PTFA and upcoming events.


What is the PTFA and what does it do?

Parent, Teacher and Friends Association, is a formal organisation composed of parents, teachers, friends and staff from the school and is designed to facilitate parental participation in the school. Each school will organise their PTFA in a way which suits them but generally, there will be a chairperson, treasurer, secretary and parent representatives.


Here at Romsey Abbey – the PTFA is fully involved in the organisation of events which are held throughout the school year and aim to help raise funds which will then be put back into the ongoing development and improvement of the school. To date, the PTFA has helped to raise nearly £10,000 for the school and has contributed much of this to the current building works that are extending the school and improving its’ accessibility.


Even if you are not a member of the PTFA, we are always looking for people to help with events and fund-raising initiatives, it does not need to be a full-time commitment – come and speak to one of us, if you are interested in helping as and when you may be able to and we’ll keep you in mind when planning each event.


Who is on the PTFA?

Chair: Chloe Phillips

Vice Chair: Jenny Bullen

Secretary: Leigh-Anne Jackson

Treasurer: Kin Yau



How do you become a member of the PTFA?

Membership is open to all parents of the school and does not require you to attend every meeting – just as much assistance during activities that may be taking place as well as helping to spread the word about events and information when talking to other parents at the school. If you are not sure if you can commit to attending the meetings but would be happy to assist as and when you are available – speak to one of the PTA members and we’ll make sure you are kept informed so you can offer your support when possible.


Contact us at


Our constitution is presently being consulted upon.  If you would like to make any comment please email us by 29th June 2024.  You can download our constitution by clicking here.



Upcoming PTFA Events

Summer Fete 2024 - Watch this space for more information.


We will be holding a Fete meeting for anyone that wants to get involved on Wednesday 12th June at 6pm in the school hall.



Cake Sales:

Cake sales raise money for the PTFA so get your Mary Berry hat on, and whisk us up some delightful treats that will be irresistible to others.  The more cakes we sell the more money we have to help the school improve the experience that our children have – and don’t worry, Paul Hollywood will not be here to judge!




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