Our Curriculum...
At Romsey Abbey our curriculum has been designed to meet the needs of every child, including those who are the most disadvantaged. The focus of each term is a key question which challenges children to think more deeply around their learning, eg. Is everyone’s dream the same? Why should I shout it from the mountain tops? Friend or foe? Each term contains a visit which is often the hook into a new area of learning and helps to ensure all children are starting from the same starting point this is an important part of our Pupil Premium Strategy.
In some cases our text rich English curriculum also enhances the answering of the termly key question and where possible other curriculum areas fit well with this. Our curriculum is therefore a good blend of thematic work and some subjects that stand alone.
We have adopted the Jigsaw PHSE curriculum, which contributes to many areas of pupil behaviour. Our Habits of Mind learning behaviours run through all curriculum areas and the use of puppets has led to children being focused on learning within classrooms.
The progression of knowledge, skills and understanding is carefully mapped to ensure all statutory requirements are met. These are plotted on our year group overviews and can be seen on the website. They are monitored termly by subject leaders and reviewed regularly.
Wherever possible we utilise opportunities within the local community and engage children with current affairs. Children have the opportunity to be on the School Council and an Eco Warrior. It is within these groups that children are able to consider actions to take to improve the lives of others both locally, nationally and internationally.
The culture around school is based on our school values of love, trust and forgiveness. There is a nurturing element to the curriculum for all children and more focused nurture work provided for those that need it.
We follow the ideals within the Church of England document on valuing all God’s Children, which means we promote equality of opportunity and diversity. This is promoted by all staff who work with children to overcome discriminatory behaviour.
Children enjoy the wide range of subjects and come to school happily. We find that through this curriculum, tailor made to meet the needs of our pupils, children become ready for the move to Year 7 when the time comes.
Our curriculum is accessible for those with disabilities or special educational needs and complies with your duties in the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014. Please see our policies page for more information.
For further information about our curriculum see the links below...
Our Curriculum
Click here to view each year group's curriculum...