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Applying for a school place - If you would to apply for a place at our school you need to do so though Hampshire County Council.  We do have some places available in different year groups across the school.  Please telephone the school office for more information.
Receiving the outcome of your Application - We will aim to respond to your Application in writing within 10 days.  If you are offered a place please contact the school to arrange a start date.  If you are refused a place you can request that your child is added to the waiting list, appeal the decision to refuse your child a place or contact the Admissions Team who can help you find an alternative school for your child.

Pupils with an Education, Health and Care Plan

Any child with an Education, Health and Care Plan naming Romsey Abbey C of E Primary School will be admitted.  Where possible such children will be admitted within the PAN.


 The school will ensure it meets its duties set under the DfE’s ‘School Admissions Code’ by: 

• Not refusing admission for a child thought to be potentially disruptive, or likely to exhibit challenging behaviour, on the grounds that the child is first to be assessed for SEND. 

• Not refusing admission for a child that has named the school in their EHC plan. • Considering applications from parents of children who have SEND but do not have an EHC plan. 

• Not refusing admission for a child who has SEND but does not have an EHC plan because the school does not feel able to cater for those needs. 

• Not refusing admission for a child who does not have an EHC plan. 

• Not discriminating against or disadvantaging applicants with SEND. 

• Ensuring policies relating to school uniform and trips do not discourage parents of pupils with SEND from applying for a place. 

• Adopting fair practices and arrangements in accordance with the ‘School Admissions Code’ for the admission of children without an EHC plan. 

• Ensuring the school’s oversubscription arrangements will not disadvantage children with SEND.


Oversubscription criteria

When the school is oversubscribed, after the admission of pupils with an Education, Health and Care plan naming the school, priority for admission will be given to children in the following order:


Admission Criteria

  1. Looked after children and all previously looked after children, including those children who appear (to the admission authority) to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted (see Definition A)

  2. (For applicants in the normal admission round only) The child or their family who have a serious medical, physical or psychological condition which makes it essential that the child attends the preferred school rather than any other. (Appropriate medical or psychological evidence must be provided in support and must be provided at the time of application.) (see Definition B)

  3. A child living in the catchment area of Romsey Abbey Church of England Primary School (see Definition C) who at the time of application has a sibling (see Definitions D) on the roll of Romsey Abbey Church of England Primary.

4.    A child living out of the catchment area of Romsey Abbey Church of England 

       Primary School who at the time of application has a sibling (see Definitions D) on

       the roll of Romsey Abbey Church of England Primary School.

5.    A child living in the catchment area of Romsey Abbey Church of England Primary

       School (see Definition C)

6.   A child living out of catchment who is on the roll of a linked pre-school (Forest

      Footsteps Pre-School or Sunlights Nursery)

7.  Children of staff (see Definition E) who have a) been employed at Romsey Abbey

     Church of England Primary School or at a linked school or pre-school (Gateway

     Academy, Forest Footsteps Pre-School or Sunlights Nursery) for two or more years

     at the time at which the application for admission to the school is made or b) have

     been recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skills


8.  Other children

Please note that we are unable to respond to Applications made during school holidays.  If you are awaiting a decision, you will need to wait until the school returns.
Please send your Application to:

County Admissions Team
Children's Services Department
The Castle
SO23 8UG

Tel: 0300 555 1377

Alternatively apply directly on their website.



As a feeder for Romsey School, our pupils will have priority for any places at Romsey School remaining unfilled from the catchment area.




For information on our 2025-2026 Appeals Timetable please click here




What our parents are saying...




























"The community of the school is lovely. All the children know each other and the different year groups mix wonderfully. Year R is a massive strength."

"This school has been amazing at helping my son settle in quickly and become secure with his new environment"

"We couldn’t have asked for a more secure and happy start to year R for our daughter. Such a fantastic team supporting her education, personality and wellbeing."

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